Mechanical Properties

SpecificationsUnfilledFilled with concrete
Weight (123mm Rapidwall) 44 kg/m² 250 kg/m²
Sound rating (Rw) 48 dB 54 dB
Fire Rating 1 hour 4 hours*
Ultimate Design Bending Capacity Ø x 2.5 kNm/metre width Ø x 22.7 kNm/metre width
Load Bearing Capacity 100kN/m - 2 Stories residential 870kN/M filled with 20Mpa concrete - 8 stories (Typically)
Void volume / M2 86 litres / m² N.A.
Horizontal shear strength 50kN/m T.B.A.
Axial Load capacity / compressive strength 160kN/m T.B.A.
Water Absorbtion Less than 5% after 24 hours immersion N.A.